Marvel 正式公开《Doctor Strange 奇异博士 2:失控多重宇宙》剧情简介-影视-领酷网

Marvel 正式公开《Doctor Strange 奇异博士 2:失控多重宇宙》剧情简介

Marvel 正式公开《Doctor Strange 奇异博士 2:失控多重宇宙》剧情简介

在《Spider-Man: No Way Home》获得成功之后,Marvel 官方正式公开第二段片尾画面,也就是《Doctor Strange Multiverse Of Madness》的首波预告,而今番官方再追加剧情简介好让影迷们能更加了解本片概要。

剧情简介中,表示多重宇宙的大门已正式打开,而世界在《Avengers: Endgame》之后已经失去 Iron Man 与 Captain America 两位精神领袖,Doctor Strange 将成为 Avengers 中的核心角色且必须积极面对世界各处隐匿的危机。不料,在施法失误后的他必须与老搭挡 Wong 再次合作,并必须寻求「绯红女巫」Wanda 的协助,才能挽救他因施法失误所打开的多重宇宙大门。殊不知,多重宇宙中最大的威胁竟是与他长得一模一样的人。

网友猜测,此人疑似正是影集《What If…?》中出现的「至尊奇异博士」(Strange Supreme),本片预计于 2022 年 5 月 6 日上映,点此即可了解预告彩蛋。

“The door of the multiverse, full of mystery and madness, opens. Now that Iron Man and Captain America have left after a fierce battle in Avengers: Endgame, former genius surgeon and the strongest magician of them all, Doctor Strange, is expected to play an active role as a central figure in the Avengers. However, using his magic to manipulate time and space at will with a forbidden spell that is considered the most dangerous has opened the door to a mysterious madness called “the Multiverse.” To restore a world where everything is changing, Strange seeks help from his ally Wong, the Sorcerer Supreme, and the Avengers’ most powerful Scarlet Witch, Wanda. But a terrible threat looms over humanity and the entire universe that no longer can be done by their power alone. Even more surprising, the greatest threat in the universe looks exactly like Doctor Strange…”

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TAG:潮流 | 影视 | marvel | Doctor Strange | Doctor Strange Multiverse Of Madness |
